NotJustBrowsing® for Android - Printable Version

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NotJustBrowsing® for Android - Admin - 06-19-2015

First version of NotJustBrowsing® for Android is nearly ready. I decided to e-mail this first version to all those registered users of this forum who have used NotJustBrowsing® Desktop and added their feedback and donated a $ to NotJustBrowsing.

What you need to get NotJustBrowsing® for Android
1. Be a registered member of this forum
2. Be a user of NotJustBrowsing® Desktop
3. Write your feedback in NotJustBrowsing® Desktop forum
4. Donate at least a $. Link for donation is the first in the header.

You will receive NotJustBrowsing® for Android to your registered e-mail address. You will get all updates for this first version free of charge.

Be the first to get hold of eagerly waited NotJustBrowsing® for Android. Donate to help me to help you.

Suggestions are welcome.

RE: NotJustBrowsing® for Android - abdulkarim - 07-07-2015


RE: NotJustBrowsing® for Android - abdulkarim - 07-07-2015


RE: NotJustBrowsing® for Android - abdulkarim - 07-07-2015


RE: NotJustBrowsing® for Android - abdulkarim - 07-08-2015


RE: NotJustBrowsing® for Android - abdulkarim - 07-08-2015


RE: NotJustBrowsing® for Android - abdulkarim - 07-08-2015


RE: NotJustBrowsing® for Android - abdulkarim - 07-08-2015

Separate bookmarks for each of the six browsers

RE: NotJustBrowsing® for Android - abdulkarim - 07-19-2015

Pre release version is available to download now.

NOTE: This version is for all devices of screen size 5.1".

unzip this file and install NotJustBrowsing.apk

Let me know of your thoughts and suggestions please.

RE: NotJustBrowsing® for Android - abdulkarim - 07-20-2015

Pre release version 1.0 is available for more device sizes (5.29", 5.7", 10.1"), from