
Full Version: Franchise will be offered through crowdfunding
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Please follow the link to preview of kickstarter crowd funding campaign

kickstarter campaign

Important point to note is that I will be offering 100 franchises for @dvertise here to selected 100 preferred sponsors.

In a franchise, I will run the code on a separate server for each franchise and each franchise will be connected with the PayPal account of the franchise keeper.

Prominent feature of @dvertise here is that I will share it for the benefit of many.

Thank you for your interest.
Crowd funding on Kickstarter starting soon.

There are a few changes in the campaign due to the rules of Kickstarter crowd funding platform. Please visit the campaign to see the changes made.

My intention is to have 100 people onboard as franchisees for the benefit of the project and the people. If you are interested in running a franchise of @dvertise here then please contact me by e-mail. Use this forum to ask any question, if you have any.
